Lucius(Odysseus' sidekick):
After leaving Troy, Odysseus and his men landed near the city of the Cicones who are allies of the Trojans and so they are our enemies. We raided the city, killing and robbing, until the Cicones army drove us back to the sea. To our misfortune, we landed on the island of the Lotus Eaters. Some of the men ate the plant and soon lost hope of their homeland. Odysseus had to drag them back to the boat. We then had the misfortune of landing on the Cyclops' island, great brutes with a single eye upon their visage. We went inside the Cyclop's cave upon Odysseus' request. We were trapped by the Cyclops who put a boulder blocking the entrance to the cave. We persuaded him to drink potent wine until he was passed out. It was than that we took a spear and poked out his eye, making him blind. We tied ourselves to the underside of the sheep in the cave in order to be unfelt by the Clyclops. To our excitement our plan worked and we were free from the Cyclops possession. The Cyclops got angry and told us he would send his father, Poseidon, to get revenge on us.